Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hubbard Glacier

We woke up early this morning, because we knew our ship would be heading to the Hubbard Glacier early. The first things I could see outside our window were huge chunks of floating ice. Yup, we were definitely on our way to the glacier. We joined the rest of our boat outside on the bridge to watch our approach to the glacier, as our captain and pilot steered us through the increasing (and increasingly large) ice chunks.

According to our on-board naturalist, our ship was able to get within a half mile of the massive Hubbard Glacier, the closest any Celebrity ship had gotten that year (and most likely the safest it would be to approach for the entire summer). We were also lucky that it was a relatively clear day.

It’s difficult to describe the immensity of this glacier, but suffice it to say, it was well worth waking up early for this morning!

We saw the glacier calving in many spots (falling off into the ocean), and could hear it creaking and groaning (it sounds like thunder). Incredible. You run out of words to describe such amazing sights.

I'm having trouble with posting pics again. I'll try to post some of this soon.

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