Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What kind of money do they take in Alaska?

I called to alert my credit card company that I was traveling to Canada and Alaska, so they didn't think someone had stolen my card and gone on their own Alaska adventure on my dime.

One of women I spoke to (who was not one of the many Indian people I spoke to in the call centers but rather had a Southern accent) asked me "what kind of money do they take in Alaska?" I was very nice in my response, but inside my head, I was yelling, "It's part of America, woman! They take American dollars!" Sheesh. Everyone should be required to take a geography class at some point in their life.

1 comment:

ErinPolich said...

It's okay... at least your Credit Card company didn't tell you that they couldn't continue to give you service because Alaska is not in the United States.

I mean... REALLY.